The Ultimate Small Business Guide to Hiring Super-Stars
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ONE TIME OFFER: Want a HUGE discount on a rare live training with Jay? This hour-long training was taught at an event where people paid $2,000 to attend and is sold separately for $297 normally. In this training, Jay will show you how to reverse engineer the deep psychology of your team members so they'll view you as a trusted mentor...while you're giving them valuable in-the-moment training about their own performance. This is one of Jay's best selling trainings. Check YES above to add this special offer to your order now for just $37 (This is the only place this special price is offered).

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Here's a fraction of what you'll learn when you get your digital copy today...
  • Why hiring for small business "is different"  ...See how and why the impact is bigger (page 11).
  • How the game is rigged against you right from the start even if you have hired loads of people (page 17).
  • The biggest mistakes you're likely making and how easy it is to fall into them (page 24).
  • How hiring based on one of those behavioral profiles is like hiring someone from a “selfie,” and you must be careful trusting them for hiring (page 32).
  • The real cost of a bad hire and, finally, the 6 metrics you need to actually measure that cost (page 36).
  • The key to be aware of when searching for the right candidate and the best place to look (pages 43 - 45).
  • Learn the Talent vs. Access Model for hiring and performance (page 46).
  • Discover the 4 “types” of performers you’ll find and how to spot them (page 47).
  • The 3 Golden Questions you need to answer to weed out the weak ones (page 54).
  • Why you must consider these 5 key pieces of the puzzle – two of which you’ll NEVER discover on your own (page 57).
  • Why you need a Job Performance Profile and how to get the free template for your critical hiring decisions  (page 65).
  • How to use the Job Performance Profile to build the Super-Star Magnet you’ll need to attract exactly what you’re looking for (page 70).
  • Examples of job ads you can use … the good and the bad and what to do differently for your hiring success (pages 72 – 78).
  • What to do when resumes start coming in (page 79).
  • Interviewing secrets for super-stars and interview questions that really work (pages 81 – 83)!
  • 4-level deep questioning for the interview process. What it is and exactly how to use this critical strategy (page 89).
  • Exactly what you need for different job categories in your business: Customer Service, Sales, Management, Assistants, or Paralegals and more (pages 93 - 97).
  • The critical common denominator you should always be looking for and ways to identify it (page 96).
  • How to objectively reveal your hiring risk so that you can block bad hires and save yourself time, money and energy and get the super-stars you seek (page 99).
  • You will learn the specific interview questions that will reveal the problems each candidate brings to your business and life (page 104). 
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